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2023-02-24 10:11领英LinkedIn 人已围观
简介领英是一个很多人使用的职业社交网络平台,目前已经有超过8亿的会员,在领英上很多人不知道如何发送好友邀请通过率才会高,下面为大家介绍一下领英怎么通过好友验证。 领英有...

Hi Mark
We are both members of the mobilephonecellphone Linkedin group , also your profile came up on LinkedIn as someone I should connect to, so I decided to reach out and explore the ways we might be able to benefit one another.
Hi Mark,
As both of us are engaged in cellphone accessories business, I would like to add you to my friends,maybe someday sometimes we can benefit each other or meet each other.
Hi Mark,
It’s so lucky and glad to meet you at Linkedin.
As both of us are doing business,I wonder if there is any possibility we can be friends.
We’ll benefit a lot and improve mutual values.
Hi Mark,
I see we have some mutual connections here on Linkedin so I thought it would be great to connect and say 'hello'! Hope you are staying safe. Best,
Hi Mark,
I saw your profile ("People Also Viewed") while viewing one of our mutual connections. Was hoping we could connect here on Linkedin, too. I'll work hard to post valuable posts & articles. And, I look forward to yours. Thanks for considering the connection request.
Take care,
Hi Mark,I'd like to add you to my professional network on Linkedin. Let's Connect!